
Day 25 - Iran

In Iran, Christians face severe persecution, with many experiencing harassment, arrest, and imprisonment due to their faith. The Iranian government, adhering to strict Islamic laws, views Christianity as a threat to its regime and often targets converts from Islam. Believers may face torture, forced confessions, and harsh sentences for practicing their religion or for organizing house churches. Many Believers face persecution from their own families and are often disowned. To donate to the 10,000 Bibles being raised for Iran, please click the link below.

Prepare Your Heart

Watch this prayer video for Iran.


  • Praise God for the Christians who were previously Muslim who now have an authentic way to reach more Muslims.
  • Praise God for the Christians who must gather secretly with one another to continue to have Church despite the risks.


  • Pray for the people who put Christians in Iran to death. Pray for God to break through their hearts and Spirits.
  • In Iran, conversion from Islam to Christianity is illegal, pray that God would make a way even if there seems to be no way.
  • Pray for Christian converts who have left Islam and face pressure from their families and communities.


This content has been sourced from Voice of the Martyrs, Joshua Project, and Global Christian Relief.
